Matcha Slim Tea Review — A Better Option Available For Weight Loss #matchaslim #matchatea

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Matcha Slim claims it is high in antioxidants, which help boost your metabolism and reduce inflammation in the body.

Matcha Slim over promises and under delivers, it’s not the worst weight loss product I’ve seen, but like most weight loss drinks, there’s more hype than substance.

The ingredients of MATCHA SLIM are Marshmallow Root, Matcha Green Tea, Spirulina, Taurine, and coleus leaf.

Marshmallow root is good for your kidney and bladder health, but this isn’t something that would suggest drinking Matcha Slim will help you lose weight.

Matcha Green Tea – There are a few health benefits from the antioxidants but this isn’t relevant to Matcha Slim’s claims.

New age weight loss supplements contain alpha-lacy reset which is considered one of the most powerful weight loss formulas.

Yet MATCHA SLIM is charging you $49 for just one bottle.

The reviews of Matcha Slim are a mixed bag. If all you do is drink matcha slim whilst changing nothing else with your diet or exercise then matcha slim results will be non-existent.

Drinking matcha slim won’t cause noticeable weight loss. It won’t help you lose 11 lbs of fat in 2 weeks as it claims. This is complete nonsense.

If you are struggling to lose weight and really want to see some results, I would suggest you take PhenQ.

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